Friday, April 19, 2013

One blue line to two

I've been asked by a few people exactly what our infertility woes were as they are going through some as well. It's complicated, as most are, but I thought I'd do an overview in hopes that it might help someone out.

But first a BIG disclaimer here - I'm in no way a medical doctor or infertility expert. This is just my experience and things I learned along the way.

So here it is...

We started trying back in December of 2009 and I just knew we'd get pregnant on the first try. So much so that I didn't want to start trying until we were 100% ready. I couldn't have been more wrong.

Most OBs and all that you read on the internet tell you it could take up to a year, so be patient and don't worry until you reach the one year mark.

We reached the one year mark and I put off going in for the big fertility talk. I don't know why, it was something I/we wanted so badly, but at the same time just wanted it to happen and didn't want to learn I or the hubby were 'broken'.

My husband was also not on board with going too far down the fertility road, no IV or IVF. So I'm sure some of it had to do with not wanting to be told that was our only option.

A few months later, I had a horribly painful cycle and it was a little off schedule. I was during the 'two week wait' time where you may have conceived, but too soon for it to register on a home pregnancy test.

I have a co-worker who has experienced a miscarriage and suggested it might be that. It freaked me out, I called the OB and they saw me immediately. They just did a pregnancy test and it came back negative so they said it wasn't that, but no explanation of why I was having the pain and started early. And they made feel a little dumb for thinking it could possibly be a miscarriage. I felt stupid and just broke down and cried in the doctors office. Emotional? Yes. The one good thing that came of it is that they had me schedule a follow-up to come back and do some testing.

And so the testing begain...

I came back in for a full workup. The regular yearly exam along with blood work to check my hormone levels. My day-21 blood draw showed my progesterone levels were low. Levels were high enough to indicate that ovulation did occur, but too low to sustain a pregnancy.

Basically the elevated levels of progesterone help keep the uterus lining around for baby to implant and stay in the uterus after conception. It takes a few days for the fertilized egg to travel down so normally your progesterone should spike to keep you from starting your period and maintain a healthy home for baby to attach to. This also explained why I was spotting days before my cycle started, hello red flag! I had mentioned it to doctor's in the past, but no one was every too worried about it.

First drug of choice to help with low progesterone is Clomid, not a progesterone supplement like one logical person would think. And they were never concerned with why my levels were low, just wanted to give me drugs to get them higher. Clomid is an inexpensive fertility drug that is step one in the fight for most doctors. It is cheap and easy and works pretty well. However, the longer you stay on it, the more challenging it can also make it to get pregnant.

Around the 3rd month mark on clomid I still wasn't pregnant so they suggested I do a procedure to make sure my tubes weren't blocked.

I had an appointment at the local hospital in radiology and die was inserted into my tubes while xrays were taken. Everything was clear and good, and this procedure was sold with the bonus of an increased chance of becoming pregnant after it. It seems to kind of clean everything out and straighten the tubes.

I was happy that nothing was blocked and very hopeful this was going to be THE month. No such luck. Another "not pregnant" on the good old digital pregnancy test.

Around this time hubby also got sent off for testing. He was not thrilled about it, but finally agreed and he came back with normal counts and all was good there. 

On month 5 of clomid I got shuffled from the OB I had been seeing to the "infertility specialist" in the office. Nice, and why the heck did I not see him to start out with? Your guess is as good as mine. So he goes over my info, we chat and thinks I could have endometriosis. But there is no way to know without going in for surgery. Yippie.

He decided to not continue me on the clomid and seemed a little surprised I had been on it for 5 months already. He said 5 months is a bit long to stay on it, generally if it is going to work, it will during the first 3 months, but then said each doctor has their own opinion. Oh this made me M-A-D.

Among many side effects, and there are lots, clomid can actually thin the lining of your uterus, making it near impossible to conceive if it gets too thin. He did do an ultrasound to take a look at things at this 5 month mark before scheduling me for surgery. Luckily it wasn't too bad yet, but had defiantly decreased in thickness. 

AND to top it off, my day 21 blood draws never really showed an improvement in my progesterone levels the entire time I was on the stupid drug. Another red flag waving vigorously around.

Around this same time I decided to book an appointment with an acupuncturist. I was loosing all faith in the medical profession and needed to find another avenue. I had a few friends who had had some luck with acupuncture and figured what the heck, might as well give it a try.

I had my first appointment with the acupuncturist right before I went in for surgery. She recommended moving forward with the surgery because that obviously needed to get fixed if I did in fact have endometriosis.

But let me tell you, that fist visit with her was the first time I finally felt like someone cared about what was going on with me and wanted to fix the problem, not just treat the symptoms with drugs. She was very certain she could help and knew why I was having some of the issues I was.

So surgery took place and after a lot of pain and money I found out I did NOT have endometriosis, everything actually looked great and I got slapped with the diagnosis of "unexplained infertility" - the worst news I think I could have been given at that point in time. The doctor recommended we move on to IVF and that was "for sure to work."

I was crushed. I knew that wasn't an option for us. The husband wasn't on board for IVF nor were were financially able to pay almost $20,000 for the procedure.

I ended my doctors visits and kept on with the acupuncturist. She recommend I go every week, but after all I'd been doing and paying for, cash flow was a little tight so I just went every other week.

I noticed physical changes in my body. Thing that you wouldn't even think were related to reproduction, but apparently are tied into the same system. And my system was blocked. For example, I've always had very tight hamstrings. I couldn't touch my toes without bending my knees if my life depended on it. Well, guess who could touch her toes after a few visits.

With all the charting and talking with the acupuncturist, the biggest hurddle I had to overcome was ovulating too late in my cycle, called luteal phase defect and the low levels of progesterone. Between the acupuncture and chinese herbs, we worked on the progesterone levels and for the late ovulation I did a lot of research via google and decided to take vitamine B6. Several woman had success in moving back their ovulation with this simple over the counter remedy. It's cheap and I really think it worked for me.

The general rule of thumb is that it takes 3 monthly cycles to get hormones and systems balanced out with acupuncture for infertility. That is just about what it took for me. I started go mid-cycle, so technically 2.5. I found out I was pregnant during my 3rd month of treatment and almost exactly 2 years from when we fist started trying. I remember being so excited to tell my acupuncturist, kind of like a big hooray, we won!

I continued going to her throughout my pregnancy. With the progesterone issue, I ran a higher chance of miscarrying and the OB wouldn't test my levels until my first appointment at 7 weeks. They were on the low end and she did end up putting me on supplements for my first trimester. I hate to think what woud have happened if I didn't continue on with acupuncture, I'm certain it helped bring them up so I was able to sustain the pregnancy until I was on the supplements.

For anyone going through this, my heart goes out to you. I had some of my darkest days during this fight.  My best advice is to chart, track and write everything down so you know what your body is doing and can pinpoint the problem. That and, DON'T GIVE UP!

We now have a beautiful (boys can be beautiful!) and healthy baby boy. I am thankful and now treasure all the sleepless night and in a strange way, am thankful to have struggled through the process. I think it has made me a better person.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Craft Attack

After reading Running from the Law's post about Celebrating Baby's First Christmas, I thought I'd get on the craft wagon and ordered a kit to do a handprint ornament.

Well, truth be told, I ordered a kit to do a dog paw print. Same one I used a few years ago on our pup, Roxie. I figured it was a great choice. I knew it worked, easy, nontoxic and even came with ribbon to hang it on the tree. Score!

Boy was I wrong. Craft time turned into one big 'ol mess. Apparently I got a defective bag of this stuff. It was super sticky and ended up on my hands, the table and anywhere else I touched as I was trying to get it off my hands.

I have about 100 craft things pinned on Pinterest. I have always envisioned myself as the crafty mom that loves to do craft projects with the little one. I am beginning to realize that this fantasy might be just as far from real life as Cinder-freaking-ella. 

On the upside, the place I ordered it from was great and refunded me the money after I emailed them and claimed I got a defective bag. They told me I didn't need to worry about sending back the product. Thank God,  have you seen the lines at the post office this time of year? No way.

Sorry Baby C, mom tried. Maybe next year. 


Monday, December 17, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Holiday Photos

We had photos with the lovely Megan Boyles Photography last weekend. I'm never quite sure how things went after we have photos done. It is such a toss up... did we smile good? Am I going to have squinty eyes? What will my hair look like? Are my fat rolls hidden? Double chin? And the list goes on so I anxiously await the Facebook sneak peek to see what we're working with.

Well I was more than excited when this bad boy came up on the newsfeed. Little man didn't give many smiles, but he still looks super cute with serious face.

And then there were these...
More coming soon, I should be getting the CD in the mail today or tomorrow. Now the hard part, picking one for our Christmas cards.

Like a camel

You know what amazes me these days, how much water I can drink and how little I have to pee.

I'm like a freaking camel. Before Luke was born, I'd have one sip and almost instantly have to pee. These days I drink way more than the daily recommend amount of 6-8 8oz glasses and rarely have to pee.

In other news, look who looked super cute this weekend in his new hat.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

4 Months

Baby Luke is FOUR months old. Wow. He is growing like a weed and is such a joy. We are so lucky to be his parents. He is such a happy baby, unless he's hungry, and starting to interact and really notice the world around him.

A few nights ago I woke up to him crying on the baby monitor and stumbled down the hall to his room for a middle of the night feeding.

As much as I dislike getting up in the middle of the night, these are some of our sweetest moments. The house is quiet and he is so peaceful when he eats. Eyes closed, little arms and hands over his face and eyes. Apparently he likes his privacy.

When he finished and I put him back in his crib he was full of smiles. As if to say, "Thanks milk lady, that was delicious!" Instead of making a beeline back to bed I stood there for a few moments and tried to take every second of it in. He was babbling and rolling from side to side with his legs up in the air just grinning up at me. He shrikes his shoulders up and brings his hands together infront of him when he gives a really big grin and it is simply adorable. I kept thinking these are the moments I never want to forget. Never. Ever.

He was a little stinker for this photo shoot and every time the camera went up, down his smile went. Someone is already learning how to play games ;)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sugar, sugar

So after my last post when I claimed I wasn't eating like a fat kid, it made me tune in a bit more to what I was really putting in my mouth. And, maybe the truth is that I really wasn't eating the best.

Hello, my name is Amber and I'm a sugar addict.
It's a real thing! I watched a 60 Minutes special where Dr. Gupta talks about how sugar is a toxin and has a similar effect on the brain as cocaine does.  If it was on tv, it has to be real, right?  

Anyway, I am happy to report I have cut out sugar and bad for you carbs since last Thursday and doing a healthy version of the famous fad diet, Atkins. It is generally the only way I can loose weight. 

Well, what do you know, I've lost 5 pounds. FIVE freaking pounds. I'm super happy and sure most of it is water weight, but at this point, I'll take it! Now just 8 more to go to get back to pre-preggo weight and then 30 to go to get back to pre-fertility drug and stress-of-not-being-able-to-have-a-baby weight. 

And the best part, everything is still going good on the nursing front. I was worried my supply would take a hit if I tired to diet, but I guess eating right and cutting out crap isn't really dieting. I'm keeping an eye on my calories too, to make sure I get enough and so far so good. 

We have family pics on Saturday and that's honesty what kicked my motivation in high gear. I'd like to not have a double chin in this year's Christmas cards :) Now if I can just find the time to do something about these roots. It's only be SIX months since I had my hair did, no biggie.

Monday, November 26, 2012

BFing & Weight Loss is BS

Dar readers,

I feel compelled to let you all in on a little secret... all those people who tell you a great plus to breastfeeding is weight loss, well, they are liars. Liars. All liars. Dirty. Little. Liars.

I've even gained a few pounds and I'm not eating like a fat kid. In fact, baby C has a dairy sensitivity so I'm not able to eat/drink all the things I love.... milk, cheese, yogurt or FROZEN yogurt, gasp! None, zip, zero.

I a little every month or so hoping maybe it's gotten better, but then sadly regret my decision as I'm cleaning spit up off the furniture, baby, floor, baby, dog, baby, play mat, baby and anything else that comes in a 2 foot radius of little man.

So we're still breastfeeding, but I guess I've got to start an exercise plan. Ha, yeah right. Off to buy bigger clothes.

Baby Weight

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Gobble, Gobble

Thanksgiving was a great time. My oldest brother and his family came to visit from out of state and my mom cooked a great meal.

Hubby had to work, so that was a bummer, but we did get to go visit him at the station that evening. He gave us the grand tour of all the trucks.

Here are a few pics.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

And the littlest one said, roll over!

Luke is on the move! He started rolling over last week/weekend. He has been working on rolling from his back to his stomach this week - oh my!

Here's a video of the little guy.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

3 months!

And just like that, Luke is now 3 months old! It just so happened it fell on election day, so I shared my "I voted" sticker with him.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

We took Luke to a pumpkin patch last week and purchased his first pumpkin. It is not carved yet, but we hope to do it tonight and let him put his hands in the pumpkin mush.

Here's a pic on our pumpkin with the pumpkin. My aunt made the hat, so stinking cute! 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hi ho, hi ho, its off to work I go

Well I'm back at work.

The first day back came with great anticipation and worry. Add hurricane Sandy to the mix and I was a mess. I was hopeful the storm would delay my first day back, but then I remembered I had a job that required me to work during disasters so that little fantasy quickly ended. Luckily, I got spared the 12 hour shift in the Emergency Operations Center and only had to work a half day.

Everything went well and we all survived, the storm and my first day back to work. Here's a pic I took right before leaving of my three loves.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Two months, too soon

Baby boy is already two full months old! He is smiling a lot these days especially at diaper changes. He loves laying there and looking around the room. He is still finding his voice and we are getting more and more sounds that aren't cries! Can't wait for a laugh :)

Here are some pics of his two month photo shoot.

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Nursery Reveal!

So here it is, in all its glory :) Not going to lie, I was probably just as leery on how it was all gong to turn out as the rest of you. I felt pretty good about it since I was basically just copying this fabulous nursery, but was still a little apprehensive the fabric decisions and accessories I picked were going to mix well together.


Sheets on bed (below)


Crib Bedding 

Everything but the sheets are made by my momma. It is all Premier brand fabric ordered from at about $8/yard. Below are links to each print I ordered and be sure to do a google search for a coupon code before you place your order. I think I got 15% off and they usually have free shipping on orders of $35 or more. They were super fast and I got the shipment a few days after I placed it. In total, I spent about $80 on all the fabric after the discount.

My mom made the orange piping on the bumper pads with cording from the local fabric store ($0.95/yard) and the orange and white circle fabric I ordered.

Sheets - They are from Target and part of the Come Ride with Me crib bedding collection. They are about $12/sheet. I can't seem to find them online and only one of the local Target's carried the sheets in the store. So, if you cant find them, try a different Target and you might have some luck.

Bed bedding

Comforter - from Ross Dress for Less and was less than $20. I had found one on that I almsot ordered and here is a link to that one-

Sheets- Good old Walmart find, I think they were about $15 for the full size set!

Bed skirt - made by mom from the blue and white zig zag fabric.

Wall Art

Dr. Seuss quote artwork, Etsy -

I then had the canvas printed from Warning, getting a canvas this size IS on the expensive side, but I knew what I was getting myself into and wanted it anyway. The size I have is 24 x 36 and 1.5'' thick and was $150. They had a promotion for free shipping on orders over $30 and I had a $20 voucher from some maternity gift bag I got so it helped bring the price down a bit. Also, they do go on sale from time to time so keep an eye on it. I've seen them for as low as $120. There are less expensive places online, but many require you put the canvas together yourself and I honestly didn't want to mess with it. 

And I found this tutorial on Pinterest after I ordered it, you could always try to make your own -

L is for Luke, Etsy -
Frame is from Ikea


Crib is the Babyletto Mercer 3 in 1 Convertible Crib with Toddler Rail and we ordered it from

Book Cases - Both the one under the window and the one we are using as a changing table are from Ikea, the EXPEDIT collection. Super cheap and easy to put together.

All the inserts in the changing table are part of the EXPEDIT line. This gets a little expensive, the inserts range from $20 - $35 each, but we already had the book case and I liked that getting the white inserts made it match the crib. The cloth baskets we already had too, but they were originally from Target. I would suggest looking at some of Ikeas's cheaper dressers. You can pick up some cute white ones for about $200 - $300, being about the same price as buying the bookcase AND all the inserts. 

Light Fixture - Another Ikea find. The FILLSTA pendant lamp, the 19" one.

Chair - Ikea POANG chair and it really is comfortable. They make it in a rocker too, but I didn't like it as much when I tested it out. This one has a little bounce to it and I think will work just fine.

Toy thing - Ikea kid section, I think it was less than $10.

Laundry basket - Ross Dress for Less find - it was $12. This is a great time of year to search for this stuff. All the dorm room items are out and in fun colors.


Cornice Boards - these came with the house and this is the second time I have recovered them. Super easy to do, just some fabric and a good old staple gun. Covered these with the orange and white circle fabric from

Drapes - I looked long and hard for these. I wanted to get the blackout drapes but had a hard time finding white ones, go figure. I guess white isn't too room darkening. So, after LOTS of trial and error on colors, I chose these Eclipse green ones. They have a bunch of versions which are different shades of green. I found these at Walmart for about $12 a pannel, they aren't too bright of a lime green and I'm pretty pleased with the color. Mom made the tie backs with the left over blue, white and green dot fabric.