Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Birth and Beyond

Birth plan, ha! Let's just say it is a good thing I paid attention durning our labor and delivery class when we practiced breathing techniques. I thought I might need to use them for a bit before I was able to get my epidural.

Fast forward to Sunday night/Monday morning and turns out I was going to need them a lot more than I ever could have guessed.

Here is the story of how our little Lucas came into the world.

Sunday morning I woke up early as the hubby was leaving for work. I took the pup for a walk around 7 and then headed to the grocery store to stock up on supplies for the week. All day I just felt even more big and miserable than I had the day before and I just kept thinking there is no way I can go to work tomorrow and be worth anything.

I ran some more errands throughout the day hoping all the walking would help move things along. My mom came over that evening with the last of her nursery sewing assignment and hung out for a bit.

We were talking and googling all the ways to try and start labor. Now anyone who has looked this up, you know there are a ton of these so called methods. Of all that we came across, the only doable option that I was up for was to drink a glass of wine.

No judging here! It was my first sip of alcohol in 10+ months and I wrestled with the idea of actually doing it, but after lots of research and remembering others who had had success with this, I gave in and dug around in the fridge to see what was in there. I didn't want to be the pregnant chick buying wine at the store so I found an old bottle of two buck chuck from Trader Joes... left over from a Halloween party 3 years ago.

Popped the top, poured about half a glass and bottoms up at about 8 p.m. I fell asleep on the couch around 9:30, woke up at 11:15 and got up to go bed, but made a pit stop by the bathroom. As I'm sitting there I hear a pop and feel/hear water fall out of me and I'm certain it is not pee. I pick up my phone and call the hubby at 11:21p.m. Thankfully he was on a call and heard his phone ring so I didn't have to call the fire station to track him down. I said, "my water broke, well I think it did" and told him what happened. He said he would be home as soon as possible, but he had to get back to the station and get someone to come cover for him. I told him not to worry, we had time, this was just the beginning of a long process. Ha!

As soon as I hung up and got myself cleaned up, I got my hospital bag and added in the last minute toiletries. My teeth wouldn't stop chattering as I was doing this. It didn't think I was nervous, but apparently was.

Hubby got hone a little before midnight and we were at the hospital at about 12:15 am. I was starting to feel what real contractions felt like by this point, but had only had about 5 of them. Two that were 5 min apart and then 3 that were about 1.5 min apart.

The nurses first did a quick check to make sure my water really did break. They have these paper strips that turn color when they come in contact with the amiotic fluid. I pass the test and sure enought, it did break so I get checked in right away. The nurse then checks me to see how far I am. 3-4 cm and 90%. effaced. The 2 nurses both start working on admitting me and get me hooked up on all the monitoring machines. I'm signing off on all my consent forms while I'm going through contractions and notice the nurses start moving a little faster as they see how close together and steady the contractions are.

I get asked about pain management and quickly respond, "I want an epidural and as soon as possible."

They order the blood work and casually mention if I progress too quickly I might not have time to get an epidural. WHAT???

So about 45 minutes later they check me again and and I'm 6 cm dialated. At this time the nurse tells me that if I get to an 8 before blood work comes back, there is no use in calling the anesthesiologist in. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" is all I kept thinking. I told them I wasnt good with pain and this was so not part of the plan.

One of the nurses became my breathing coach and she was amazing. I could not have done it without her. She helped me breath through every contraction and was firm with me. Kept telling me not to loose it.

Sure enough I kept progressing right through to a full 10 cm and around 2:30 we were just waiting for the doctor to get there so I could push. After the doctor arrives and checks me, he says, "ok, let's push."

I kept thinking I can not believe I am doing this, how did this happen. I'm suppose to be in labor for 12+ hours and be getting and epidural!!!!
I got a little wimpy on the pushing part. I gave a good push or two but by the third push of each contraction I was pretty much spent. I even 'rested' through a few contractions. But after about 45 min of pushing it was Happy Birhtday Baby Lucas and we finally got to hold him in our arms.

It was one of the craziest exeriences of my life, but honestly not as bad as I thought it would be without pain meds and of course the reward of holding him in the end made it all worth it. I also had a super easy time with recovery and even walked from the labor and delivery room to the postpartum room where we spent the next few days.

We booked a birth photographer to capture the birth. I'm a sucker for photos and wanted us to enjoy the moment and not worry with taking photos. I know it is kind of starnge, but highly suggest it. Below are some of the images.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

2 weeks old

Two weeks has flown by, we had a good doctor visit today and he is back up to 8 lbs 1.5 oz

Breastfeeding is still kicking my butt. It is by far the hardest thing I've done so far and had been emotionally draining.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

1 week on the other side

We have survived an entire week! He is the most precious little thing, I can't help but cry when I hold him and stare at him. It is so true that there is nothing like the love you feel for a child. It truly is amazing.

We have had a busy week and three outings. A walk around the block, the doctors office and a newborn photo shoot.

It has been hard staying in the house, we were so use to being on the go all the time so I look forward to these little outings to the outside world.

Nursing has also been challenging, way more than I thought it would be and comes with its own set if worries - Is he getting enough, am I doing this right, is my milk supply sufficient, etc. I'm lucky and there are lots of resources and help in the area. We are going to a breast feeding group tomorrow at the hospital and I'm hoping that'll help calm some of my fears.

I truly loved being pregnant and now appreciate it on a new level... it was so much easier to keep him safe when he was in me. Feedings, diapering, sleeping, temperature regulation, etc were all non issues and all things we now worry about.

I'm working on his birth story, more to come soon!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Your first breath took ours away

Lucas is here! We welcomed our little fella early Monday morning on August 6 at 3:19 a.m. He is 7 lbs 15 oz, 20.5 inches long and has a head full of hair.

He is just perfect and we are so in love with him. So in love!

Friday, August 3, 2012

38 weeks and still preggo

How far along? 38 weeks. I really thought I'd be writing to tell you all baby C was here by now.

Size of baby: About 8.8 lbs. if I go off the ultrasound weight last week and what he should have gained in a week. Oh my!

What's baby up to? Growing and apparently too comfortable in there.

Total weight gain: +38 lbs - I have NO idea what happened, but from Friday to Monday morning, I put on FIVE pounds and not a single bit of it has come off this week. Yikes.

Pregnancy symptoms:  Nothing new or too bad. Sleeping has become the biggest challenge. Apparently the swelling has gotten worse in my hands and they go numb from time to time. Awesome.

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep: Eh, I had a good night the other night and slept FOUR full hours in a row :)

Best moment this past week: I completed a big work project on Wednesday and it relieved a lot of stress. The project wasn't that stressful, but making sure I was there to complete it was. So I made it to Wednesday and everything was a success. I told Baby C it was ok to come now, but I guess he's already rebelling and doing what he wants.

Miss Anything? Being able to stand up without pain.

Movement: Still moving in there.

Food Cravings: Eh, I've kind of lost my appetite this past week.

Anything making you queasy or sick: The freaking FIVE pound weight gain.

Labor sigs: Still have had some Braxton Hicks contractions, but that's about it. I think he's dropped a bit, but not a lot.

Dr appointment yesterday went well, I'm 2-3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Doctor said she thought she just might be seeing me in labor and delivery this weekend. I sure hope she's right. But if not, it's back to the office on Wednesday for another ultrasound and then a talk about inducing.

Belly Button in or out: In

Wedding rings on or off: Definitely off.

Happy or Moody: Moody and aggravated.

Weekly Wisdom: Just keep telling yourself it HAS to come to an end soon enough. He can't live in there forever. Right?

Looking forward to: Delivery day.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

You can come out now!

So my big work project is O.V.E.R. and I was just so sure I'd go into labor last night. Had a little pep talk with him on my way home from work and told him he was now 'allowed' (ha!) to come.

However, I woke up this morning and no suck luck. I have a feeling I'm going to be getting a lesson in patience over the next few weeks. Doctor's appointment tomorrow at least, hopefully I'll get good news that some progress is happening. And, tonight is a full moon, maybe that'll do the trick!

And for a good laugh, I Incredible Hulk-ed my shirt yesterday at work... that's what I get for trying to wear a non-maternity shirt :)