Monday, November 26, 2012

BFing & Weight Loss is BS

Dar readers,

I feel compelled to let you all in on a little secret... all those people who tell you a great plus to breastfeeding is weight loss, well, they are liars. Liars. All liars. Dirty. Little. Liars.

I've even gained a few pounds and I'm not eating like a fat kid. In fact, baby C has a dairy sensitivity so I'm not able to eat/drink all the things I love.... milk, cheese, yogurt or FROZEN yogurt, gasp! None, zip, zero.

I a little every month or so hoping maybe it's gotten better, but then sadly regret my decision as I'm cleaning spit up off the furniture, baby, floor, baby, dog, baby, play mat, baby and anything else that comes in a 2 foot radius of little man.

So we're still breastfeeding, but I guess I've got to start an exercise plan. Ha, yeah right. Off to buy bigger clothes.

Baby Weight

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Gobble, Gobble

Thanksgiving was a great time. My oldest brother and his family came to visit from out of state and my mom cooked a great meal.

Hubby had to work, so that was a bummer, but we did get to go visit him at the station that evening. He gave us the grand tour of all the trucks.

Here are a few pics.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

And the littlest one said, roll over!

Luke is on the move! He started rolling over last week/weekend. He has been working on rolling from his back to his stomach this week - oh my!

Here's a video of the little guy.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

3 months!

And just like that, Luke is now 3 months old! It just so happened it fell on election day, so I shared my "I voted" sticker with him.