Saturday, June 9, 2012

3/4 the way at 30 weeks

Whoa, someone is getting big! 
How far along? 30 weeks. Oh my!

Size of baby: According to the books, he's about 3 lb and 16 inches now and the size of an eggplant. Doctor said I was still measuring big at my last appointment on Friday, so lets hope he really is only 3 lb right now.

What's baby up to? He's busy plumping up. He's laying down two kinds of fat beneath his skin: brown adipose tissue, which he'll need at birth to generate body heat, and white adipose tissue, which is an energy source and helps an infant maintain their body temperature.

Total weight gain: +24

Pregnancy symptoms: Same stuff and I can tell things have definitely shifted up, I'm now getting little kicks to my ribs.

Maternity clothes? Yup, and some of the ones I bought early on are getting a little snug. But the pre-preggo yoga pants are still hanging on.

Stretch marks? Eh, maybe. Not sure.

Sleep: Some nights are good, others aren't so good. I had terrible heartburn the other night and ended up sleeping propped up on the couch. Guess it's just helping me get acclimated to little to no sleep in the near future :)

Best moment this past week: The 3D ultrasound was by far the coolest. So glad we did it. It was amazing to see facial details and watch him move around in there. He started out with his toes in his face by his eyes (super flexible! must be from the yoga classes we go to - ha!) and moved around a bit, especially when they turned the heart rate doppler on and ended the viewing with a big stretch. I also got the reassurance that he is head down now, so hopefully he'll stay that way.

We also took a trip to the local waterpark on Sunday morning and I floated around in the lazy river, it felt great. Hopefully we can do a few more trips before I get too big to waddle through the park.

Miss Anything? Sleeping through the night.

Movement: Lots of moving going on. I was at the dermatologist this past Monday for a skin check and when he was looking at my stomach you could see baby moving all around. It was pretty funny.

Food Cravings: I think I've had my first true weird pregnancy craving, mayo! Thank goodness for the low fat version.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Just the normal stuff.

Labor sigs: No

Belly Button in or out: In

Wedding rings on or off: Still hanging on.

Happy or Moody: Happy but got a little freaked out this past Saturday and had a bit of a moment. I went for a walk along a trail that's pretty wooded and picked up a TICK. First tick I ever recall having and it grossed me out. The hubby was on his way back from an out of town trip so I had to call my mom to come over and get it out for me. She got a good laugh out of how freaked out I was over it and I'm sure thought to herself, "Oh my, how is she going to handle a baby?!"

Weekly Wisdom: Take a prenatal yoga class if you can, went to my second class this past Thursday and am really enjoying it.

Looking forward to: This will be our last weekend for about a month that we have no plans. So, I'm looking forward to doing a few things around the house and hopefully getting my hair did. It's looking like Alex's hair from her fist season of Real Housewives of New York.  Dry, split ends, frizzy and a brassy blond color. It is need of some major TLC!

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