Saturday, July 7, 2012

34 weeks

How far along? 34 weeks, just 6 weeks until the big 4-0!

Size of baby: He is about 4 3/4 lb and almost 18 inches long, about the weight of an average cantaloupe. (then why do I look like I have a watermelon under my shirt?)

What's baby up to? His skin is also smoother than ever as he packs on the pounds. His central nervous system is maturing and so are his lungs.

Total weight gain: +30!

Pregnancy symptoms: Nothing new, swelling is still ridiculous. We laugh at how big my feet get. Don't worry, I checked in with the doctor at my last appointment about it and all is well.

Maternity clothes? Yes, but I've stopped buying any, unless I see something super cute on clearance.

Stretch marks? Nope, I still think I don't have any.

Sleep: Not too bad yet, going ok.

Best moment this past week: Baby shower with the hubby's family was amazing. Photos coming soon! We had a great visit with them and got to see his sister's little one again. She's growing so fast, I'm amazed at how fast they grow and change.

Here's a group pic we snagged at the end on our way out, I'm really bad about this and told myslef I'd be better at this shower, but I was not :(

Miss Anything? A back that doesn't hurt and my shoe collection. I've got limited pairs of shoes these boats can fit in right now.

Movement: Still going strong. The hubby finally got to see one of baby's jam sessions the other night. It is crazy how much movement is going on in there.

Food Cravings: Fruit. Watermelon is my favorite.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing new, but I've been sticking to pretty bland foods.

Labor sigs: No

Belly Button in or out: In

Wedding rings on or off: Sad to report they are off. I can get them on in the morning, but they get so tight throughout the day that I'm afraid my finger will turn blue. We've had some extremely hot days too so I'm sure that's not helping.

Happy or Moody: Happy, but have more and more pregnancy moments. I even got irritated during yoga this past week. uh-oh.

Weekly Wisdom: Take it easy in the heat and drink lots of water. Lots! Better yet, stay out of the heat!

Looking forward to: Getting serious on this nursery. It's in progress and progress is being made, so hopefully over the next week or so it'll be finished.

We also have a newborn care class at the hospital this Wednesday. Looking forward to that and hope it helps answer the "so we are home, now what?!" question after baby arrives.

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