Monday, July 16, 2012

35 weeks

Favorite place to go for a walk these days,
 hills AND theme park food!
How far along? 35 weeks

Size of baby: He is about 5.24 lb and just over 18 inches long

What's baby up to? He lives on my right side and just under my ribs. Come on kiddo, move over a little! Although his lungs are not completely ready for life outside the womb, his kidneys have had lots of practice excreting urine; his liver is producing bile; his heartbeat is strong and regular. His brain, which weighs about two-thirds of what it will at birth, is growing furiously as he also (you guessed it) continues to put weight on the rest of his body.

Total weight gain: +30 lbs

Pregnancy symptoms: Starting to have some more emotional moments. The hubby jokes around that I'm finally acting pregnant and he's glad he only has to deal with it for a few more weeks.

Maternity clothes? Yup, but can still wear regular long maxi dresses.

Stretch marks? No, I think I'm still good.

Sleep: This week was ok, heartburn has seemed to back down a bit.

Best moment this past week: Newborn care class was good and I feel a little more confidant about brining him home :)

Miss Anything? My shoes still. I finally broke down and got a pair of wedged sandals so I can wear pants again. All my pants are too long to wear with flats (I have short legs, but not short enough for petite pants, it's strange) and I had to buy and entire size bigger than what I normally wear.

Movement: He's been kind of quiet this week, still moving around, but it's not so intense.

Food Cravings: Frozen yogert, ice cold water and anything else that comes fromt the freezer section.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Just the heat.

Labor sigs: No

Belly Button in or out: In

Wedding rings on or off: Off :(

Happy or Moody: Happy but stressed a bit about getting all our stuff done and together both at home and work before his arrival. Not knowing WHEN he'll come adds a bit of anxiety to the mix. The thought that it could be anywhere from 2-6 weeks from now is crazy. The 2 weeks from now gives me the stress.

Weekly Wisdom: I keep forgetting to mention that something I have found kind of strange as I've gotten bigger is how wrinkled my shirts and dresses get in the area under my stomach when I sit down. It just looks kind of funny when I stand up and have this big wrinkled mess at what used to be my waistline. So, try to remember to pull your shirt or dress out when you sit down to avoid some of this.

Looking forward to: Second newborn care class is this Wednesday and we are finally taking the labor and delivery class this next Saturday. Then we should be all educated and ready for this, ha, yeah right.

Here are some pics from Newborn Care Class.

Mastering his swaddle
Not mastering his holding technique

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