Thursday, December 6, 2012

4 Months

Baby Luke is FOUR months old. Wow. He is growing like a weed and is such a joy. We are so lucky to be his parents. He is such a happy baby, unless he's hungry, and starting to interact and really notice the world around him.

A few nights ago I woke up to him crying on the baby monitor and stumbled down the hall to his room for a middle of the night feeding.

As much as I dislike getting up in the middle of the night, these are some of our sweetest moments. The house is quiet and he is so peaceful when he eats. Eyes closed, little arms and hands over his face and eyes. Apparently he likes his privacy.

When he finished and I put him back in his crib he was full of smiles. As if to say, "Thanks milk lady, that was delicious!" Instead of making a beeline back to bed I stood there for a few moments and tried to take every second of it in. He was babbling and rolling from side to side with his legs up in the air just grinning up at me. He shrikes his shoulders up and brings his hands together infront of him when he gives a really big grin and it is simply adorable. I kept thinking these are the moments I never want to forget. Never. Ever.

He was a little stinker for this photo shoot and every time the camera went up, down his smile went. Someone is already learning how to play games ;)

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